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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Random Act of Kindness

I'm not quite sure why this random act of kindness happened, but it definitely brought me to tears. Some people might argue that everything brings me to tears, but this particular event truly made me cry because I was so overjoyed.

A couple of my teacher friends and I went to dinner after work. As many of you are aware, when teachers gather together, the conversation inevitably turns to the sharing of classroom war stories. While I would love to say that we only shared inspiring and positive reflections of our teaching day...I just can't because it was a full-blown venting session. We've all been there right? We were in the middle of our rant when the bartender said, "For some unknown reason, the woman sitting next to you at the bar took care of the bill for all of you."

We were elated...and confused. Why would she do that? Maybe she heard parts of our conversation and realized we were teachers and wanted to do something nice for Teacher Appreciation next week? Or perhaps she came into the restaurant knowing that she was going to pay for someone's bill and we just happened to be the lucky four who sat down next to her?

I'll never know why she chose us, but I'm fine with that. I'm fine with just knowing the ultimate message that she was probably trying to leave with us:

Be kind.

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